So this
weekend I MAY have gone on a little bit of a shopping trip... little may be a
slight underestimation of how much I may have purchased but shh it’s our little
So for
ages I have been searching for the perfect pink lipstick, I'm used to being blond
and I recently went back to my natural dark brown colour and it was quite a
change! And none of my old faithful makeup looks work with my new hair colour.
So I’ve purchased a few lippies lately and none quite live up to my hopes!
I want
a nice even fresh pink colour not to bright and overwhelming but pretty and
long lasting!
I would
like to present to you the Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Liquid Lipstick in 006
Ultimate Orchid
the colour is what I have been searching high and low for; I’ve never really used
Revlon before but took advantage of the 3 for 2 and Superdrug this week!
This Lip
colour goes on like a lip gloss it even looks like a lip gloss, has a pleasant
not to noticeable smell too it too which is great. You can feel the colour
drying and eventually it does feel like you have put on a lipstick and OMG does
it last! It is truly AMAZING it lasted 2 full hours and even then the coverage
was pretty great! It doesn’t dry your lips out although the first time wore it
did feel a little odd! But it’s worth it!
Its retails at around £6.99 but I
can see it lasting well as you don’t have to reapply every 5 minutes!

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